Crew Land Research, LTD.
Call us at: 713-784-LAND

About Crew Land Research

Crew Land Research strives to provide excellence within the competitive industry of Oil and Gas based on the principles of hard work, loyalty, perseverance and teamwork. Since its inception in 1982, Crew Land Research, Ltd. has been thoroughly involved in every aspect of the energy land service industry. During that time, Crew Land Research has worked on every conceivable type and size of project in every active area in the State of Texas. We have succeeded in the industry by providing unquestionable honesty, superior service and maintaining a close and confidential relationship with our clients, some of whom have been with us for 20+ years.

In an industry sector increasingly burdened with a migratory workforce and an ever-declining professionalism, Crew Land Research has been able to aggregate, train and, most significantly retain, some of the best contract landmen in the industry. In addition to their education and experience, most of our core personnel have been in the industry for over 15 years and throughout that time remained continuously associated with Crew Land Research. Since 2000 over 730 contract landmen have worked for Crew Land across the State of Texas. Furthermore, Crew Land Research maintains a network of many other qualified associates around the country that are available for projects, as per our clients specialized requirements.

Since 2000 Crew Land Research has serviced over 350 clients and maintained a core client base of over 70. This list includes several majors, numerous mid-caps, and a variety of small independent operators. Moving with the times and to better serve our client’s needs, we have provided offices in several locations throughout Texas. Crew Land Research honors the motto that, “no job is too big or too small”. We pride ourselves on giving the same quality of service regardless of size, and our competitive rates create great value for our clients.

Crew Land Research has recently worked extensively in the following areas: Gulf Coast; Central Texas; North Texas (Barnett Shale); South Texas (Eagle Ford Shale) and East Texas (Haynesville Shale) and (Woodbine). We also have a large contingent of in-house landmen providing in-house support.



  • Crew assembly and management
  • Title research and Title Runsheet preparation
  • Ownership Reports
  • Lease Checks and Mineral Takeoffs
  • Title Curative
  • Due Diligence
  • Pooling/Unitization Agreements and Declarations


  • Oil and Gas Lease acquisition
  • Lease Option acquisition
  • Mineral and Royalty acquisition
  • Seismic Permitting
  • Easements and Right of Way acquisition
  • Surface Damage negotiations


  • Integrated GIS mapping and design
  • Project specific database design


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